Sponsorship Information

We invite you to support this year’s tour! Your generosity will directly benefit the Integrative Care services at Riverside Methodist Hospital. By sponsoring Kitchen Kapers, your business will reach a significant target audience. Our tour attracts close to 1,000 attendees, many of whom are researching their own remodeling projects.

Make your commitment online, or you can download and print the Kitchen Kapers Involvement Opportunities form and Advertising Specifications and mail it in with your check.

Kitchen Sponsor

$2,500 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine
  • 10 tickets to the tour
  • Full page ad in tour magazine
  • Recognition on website with hyperlink to business or organization
  • Recognition on social media
  • Recognition on Kitchen Kapers social media
  • 1 Instagram story posted on Kitchen Kapers account
  • Recognition on one home sign
  • Personal representative and materials displayed during tour

Platinum Sponsor

$1,500 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine
  • 6 tickets to the tour
  • Full page ad in tour magazine
  • Recognition on website with hyperlink to business or organization
  • Recognition on social media
  • Recognition on one home sign
  • Materials displayed during tour

Diamond Sponsor

$1,000 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine
  • 6 tickets to the tour
  • ½ page ad in tour magazine
  • Recognition on website

Gold Sponsor

$600 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine
  • 4 tickets to the tour
  • ¼ page ad in tour magazine

Silver Sponsor

$300 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine
  • 2 tickets to the tour

Bronze Sponsor

$125 Commitment
  • Recognition as donor in tour magazine

**Sponsors at the $600+ level can choose to receive advertising benefits OR tour tickets.
Please contact KitchenKapersAdvertising@gmail.com with specific tour ticket requests.

All sponsors will receive recognition as an annual donor to the OhioHealth Foundation.

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